Awesome 3D printers, new food experiments, the Community & re:Mix progress

Awesome 3D printers, new food experiments, the Community & re:Mix progress

Last 2 months have been like a marathon…which we’ve won! Tune into the world of funk!

🥹 The awesomeness of having our own 3D printers

💪🏽 Most components and parts are ordered

🤷🏼‍♀️ A new online place to share and learn: The Open Funk Community

🧉 Food experiments: coffee-grinding, tapenade, and a vegan cheesecake 🛸re:Mix at Futurium and the link to the EU commision

🪩 Badass re:Mix improvements: refined 3D printed parts, a beautiful seal, recycled feet

✅ First certification tests are passed!

📦 Drop-testing our packaging

📆 Timeline updates (hint: we’re on track)

Thank you all for the support this year, it’s what has kept us going! We’re wishing you a calm end of the year and a mindful start into 2023! Paul & Ken

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re:Mix is the kitchen mixer good for people and the planet.