re:Mix - the circular blender for your own glass jars

Blend smoothies, nut butters & more in a customisable and durable design.

  • Funded 477% on Kickstarter

  • "Open Funk tackles throwaway culture by making its blender as simple to fix as if buying new"

  • Shortlisted for the Dezeen Sustainability Awards 2022

The founders of Open Funk, Ken and Paul

Changing the way we make and fix home electronics.

From electronic waste and huge CO2 emissions to poor working conditions and long supply chains, home electronics contribute to some of the world’s most serious environmental and human rights problems of our times. We started Open Funk to change this.

Learn more about us

Food you'll love

A curated selection of our favourite drinks, nut butters, spreads and more - all made with re:Mix.

Discover recipes