We’ve shipped re:Mix number 1000
Just yesterday, we assembled re:Mix number 1000 🌈 Shipping 1000 units of anything is quite a feat in itself, so we’re quite proud of that. But we’re also thankful that 1000 humans have decided to support a small business on a mission to change the way we make and fix home electronics. To celebrate, we took some time to look at some of the data we’ve gathered on these first 1000 units.
Who made my re:Mix?
The graphic above shows our assembly team members in proportion to the amount of re:Mix they assembled. It’s Ken followed by Tuk, Kamyar, Miren, Paul, Monica, Roman, Flo and Mohan. Just in case you like numbers: if you have a re:Mix, there’s a 41,8% chance it was assembled by Ken 🙀
Who likes what?
People like different things, which is great! Most prefer Black Mineral, followed by White Floreale, White Mineral, White Sprinkled and Black Sprinkled. Black Floreale turned out to be a limited edition during our Kickstarter, and we only made 35 of them. So if you have one, you’re in luck!

What about number 1000?
re:Mix number 1000 went to our newest team member Mohan. He assembled it himself and he’s planning to grind a lot of Indian spices.
What about the next 1000?
We’ve doubled our production and assembly speed, and our lead time is decreasing every week. This will also allow us to dedicate more time to engaging with you, the community, on topics such as food and sustainability, as well as going back to R&D to work on a lot of the ideas we have.
Thanks to everyone for your support, patience and kindness along this incredible journey.